Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Who's to Judge?

Stanley "Tookie" Williams was executed earlier this morning under a convition from in 1981. My post is not about if it was wrong or right just about the thoughts that came to my mind when I heard of the case.

From what I understand he was the co-founder the Crip gang that started in Cali. That he was convicted of several murders and then changed his life while in prison. He then wrote childerns books about the dangers of gangs.

My thoughts were:

If the victims were my family members, would I want him to die?
Is it up to us to say if a person lives or dies?
Did he think of the lives of the people he murdered and their families?
If not, then why should his life be spared?
Everyone knows the possible consequences when breaking the law, so they should except resposibility and pay the price?
How does it feel to know that in a matter of seconds your life will be over and isn't that punishment enough?
Isn't the purpose of jail for rehabilitation?
Even though he has changed his life, what he started with gangs will affect our lives forever.

Cases like this always stir me up because you can easily understand boths sides and their wants.
I just pray for all families that suffer from the case directly. I also pray for the families that were affected indirectly by gangs over the years.

Peace in the Hood!
R.I.P. (MIA)
Ken (cuz), Trenton, Uncle Al, Ranzor, Bernard, Willie, 3J and the rest of my boys who were murdered because of the streets! Too many to name!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a thought-provoking post - valid questions to ask, especially since they come from both sides of the issue. Good.

Thanks for the love BTW...

8:53 PM  
Blogger ddsprncs said...

I can relate to your post, These are all things I thought. It is so hard to know. I was up last night when he was exucuted and it was hard.

Thanks for coming to my blog.

3:59 AM  

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