Not so smart...
I guess I'm not going to be the computer whiz I thought I was going to be but it was worth the try. So I got the comment thing in, on my own, but adding links is a new ball game. I guess I will be calling TeEricka to have her do it for me. So here's a little peek of upcoming topics from my heart. MY MOTHER!! She is off the chain tonight cuz her boyfriend has Friday nights off. And to celebrate he brought her a bottle of Alize. Unable to control her excitement she "cheers" her glass with my head and when a little wastes on me its my fault cuz I jumped. She acting like a little girl with her first puppy love. SHE DON'T KNOW HOW TO ACT. I don't know what I'm gonna do with this chick. Well if you continue to grace my page you begin to know and learn a whole lot about her.
Oh and if you are wondering who TeEricka is she is my bestfriend from highschool and it was her idea for me to get this page started.
Until next time.